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TElSftpClient     See also     

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Writes sequence of bytes to the remote file


    bool Write(byte[] Handle, long Offset, byte[] Buffer);
    bool Write(byte[] Handle, long Offset, byte[] Buffer, int StartIndex, int Count);

    Function Write(ByVal Handle As Byte(), ByVal Offset As Long, ByVal Buffer As Byte()) As Boolean
    Function Write(ByVal Handle As Byte(), ByVal Offset As Long, ByVal Buffer As Byte(), ByVal StartIndex As Integer, ByVal Count As Integer) As Boolean

    function Write(Handle : TSBSftpFileHandle; Offset : Int64; Buffer : pointer; Size : cardinal): Boolean;
    procedure WriteSync(Handle: TSBSftpFileHandle; Offse: Int64; Buffer: pointer; Size: cardinal);
    type TSBSftpFileHandle = ByteArray;

    bool Write(const std::vector<uint8_t> &Handle, int64_t Offset, void * Buffer, uint32_t Size);

    bool Write(array of byte|string|NULL $Handle, integer $Offset, TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $Buffer, integer $Size)

    boolean write(byte[] Handle, long Offset, byte[] Buffer, int StartIndex, int Count);
    boolean write(byte[] Handle, long Offset, byte[] Buffer);


  • Handle - handle to opened file, returned by OnOpenFile event
  • Offset - position from which the data should be written
  • Buffer - the data that should be written to file
  • Size - the number of bytes in Buffer
  • StartIndex - position in the Buffer to start reading from
  • Count - the number of bytes to read from the Buffer

Return value

    True if operation was completed successfully;
    False otherwise.


    Use this method to write data to opened files. Do not pass as Handle the handle to opened directory. If the data was successfully written to file, the OnSuccess event is fired. The OnError event is fired otherwise.

See also:     Read    

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