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TElSFTPServer     See also     

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This event is fired when TElSFTPServer needs to transfer the encrypted data to the client


    not available

    not available

    property OnSend: TSBSFTPServerSendEvent;
    TSBSFTPServerSendEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; Buffer: pointer; Size: integer) of object;

    not available

    not available

    not available


  • Buffer - The buffer with encrypted data
  • Size - The length of the data in buffer (in bytes)
  • Offset - position from which data are sent


    This event is fired when TElSFTPServer needs to transfer the portion of encrypted data to the client. it is a good idea to call a send function from this event's handler.

You must handle this event in any case. There is no other way to pass the encrypted data from TElSFTPServer to client, except this event!

See also:     OnReceive    

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