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TElSftpStream     See also     

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Sets the current position of the stream.


    long Seek(long Offset, SeekOrigin Origin);

    Function Seek(ByVal Offset As Long, ByVal Origin As SeekOrigin) As Long

    function Seek(Offset : Longint; Origin : Word) : Longint;

    int32_t Seek(int32_t Offset, uint16_t Origin);

    integer Seek(integer $Offset, integer $Origin)
    integer Seek(integer $Offset, integer $Origin)

    long seek(long Offset, TSBSeekOrigin Origin);


  • Offset - the position to be set.
  • Origin - specifies seek origin: the beginning, the end, or the current position of the stream.

Return value

    Returns the new position in the stream.


    Use this method to set the current position of the SFTP stream.

See also:     CanSeek     Position    

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