short getSSLOptions();
void setSSLOptions(short Value);
TSBSSLOptions values
f_ssloExpectShutdownMessage = 1
ssloExpectShutdownMessage = 1
Specifies whether to expect "close notify" from the peer before shutting down the connection.
f_ssloOpenSSLDTLSWorkaround = 2
ssloOpenSSLDTLSWorkaround = 2
Enables/disables a workaround to correctly handle DTLS implementation in some old versions of OpenSSL. Only in one occasion in a thousand should users switch this option.
f_ssloDisableKexLengthAlignment = 4
ssloDisableKexLengthAlignment = 4
Some implementations of TLS require equal lengths for public and encrypted keys, hence the encrypted key should be extended with zeroes in some cases. ssloDisableKexLengthAlignment switches the key length alignment. Normally, users should not switch this option.
f_ssloForceUseOfClientCertHashAlg = 8
ssloForceUseOfClientCertHashAlg = 8
When this option is set, TElSSLClient will use the same hash algorithm as used by the client's certificate.
f_ssloAutoAddServerNameExtension = 16
ssloAutoAddServerNameExtension = 16
Defines whether to automatically use the Server Name extension.
f_ssloAcceptTrustedSRPPrimesOnly = 32
ssloAcceptTrustedSRPPrimesOnly = 32
If this option is set, SRP credentials are only accepted by the client if the server's prime is "trusted" as defined in RFC 5054. Otherwise, SSRPPrimeNotTrusted error is thrown.
f_ssloDisableSignatureAlgorithmsExtension = 64
ssloDisableSignatureAlgorithmsExtension = 64
Specifies whether to disable the signature algorithm extension.
Use this property to specify the options of the secure connection.