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TElSimpleSFTPClient     See also     

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Copies data from a file into another one.


    void CopyRemoteData(byte[] ReadFrom, long ReadFromOffset, byte[] WriteTo, long WriteToOffset, long DataLength);

    Sub CopyRemoteData(ByVal ReadFrom As Byte(), ByVal ReadFromOffset As Long, ByVal WriteTo As Byte(), ByVal WriteToOffset As Long, ByVal DataLength As Long)

    procedure CopyRemoteData(const ReadFrom : TSBSftpFileHandle; ReadFromOffset : Int64; const WriteTo : TSBSftpFileHandle; WriteToOffset, DataLength : Int64);

    void CopyRemoteData(const std::vector<uint8_t> &ReadFrom, int64_t ReadFromOffset, const std::vector<uint8_t> &WriteTo, int64_t WriteToOffset, int64_t DataLength);

    void CopyRemoteData(array of byte|string|NULL $ReadFrom, integer $ReadFromOffset, array of byte|string|NULL $WriteTo, integer $WriteToOffset, integer $DataLength)

    void copyRemoteData(byte[] ReadFrom, long ReadFromOffset, byte[] WriteTo, long WriteToOffset, long DataLength);


  • ReadFrom - file where the data should be read from
  • ReadFromOffset - offset in the file from which the data starts
  • WriteTo - destination file
  • WriteToOffset - offset in the destination file where the data should start
  • DataLength - length of the data piece to be copied


    Use this method to copy some data from one remote file into another.
    In case of error, EElSFTPError exception containing the SFTP error code, is raised. For more information on error handling, please read the corresponding how-to article.

See also:     CopyRemoteFile    

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