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TElSimpleSSHClient     See also     

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This method closes the SSH connection


    void Close();
    void Close(bool FlushPendingData);

    Sub Close()
    Sub Close(ByVal FlushPendingData As Boolean)

    procedure Close;
    procedure Close(FlushPendingData : boolean);

    void Close();
    void Close(bool FlushPendingData);

    void Close()
    void Close(bool $FlushPendingData)

    void close();
    void close(boolean FlushPendingData);


  • FlushPendingData - if this parameter is set to True, the connection will not be closed until all cached data will be sent to the server.


    Call this method to close the SSH connection. All active tunnels will also be closed. After calling this method no more data should be sent through tunnels.

See also:     Open     ExecuteCommand    

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