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TElSocket     See also     

Filter: C#  VB.NET  Pascal  C++  PHP  Java  

establishes direct connection to the remote server.


    int AsyncConnect(int Timeout);

    Function AsyncConnect(ByVal Timeout As Integer) As Integer

    function AsyncConnect(Timeout : integer) : integer;

    int32_t AsyncConnect(int32_t Timeout);

    integer AsyncConnect(integer $Timeout)

    int asyncConnect(int Timeout);


  • Timeout - connection timeout in milliseconds. The value set to -1 means infinite timeout, set to 0 means no waiting at all.

Return value

    Returns 0 if the connection was established, and socket error code otherwise.
    In .NET, if an exception has been rised, -1 may be returned.


    Use this method to establish the direct connection to the remote server. Server name is specified by the Address property.

See also:     Connect     Address    

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