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TElSocket     See also     

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Closes the socket.


    void Close(bool Forced);
    void Close(bool Forced, int Timeout);
    void Close(bool Forced, int Timeout, bool Gradually);

    Sub Close(ByVal Forced As Boolean)
    Sub Close(ByVal Forced As Boolean, ByVal Timeout As Integer)
    Sub Close(ByVal Forced As Boolean, ByVal Timeout As Integer, ByVal Gradually As Boolean)

    procedure Close(Forced : boolean);

    void Close(bool Forced);
    void Close(bool Forced, int32_t Timeout);
    void Close(bool Forced, int32_t Timeout, bool Gradually);

    void Close(bool $Forced)
    void Close(bool $Forced, integer $Timeout)
    void Close(bool $Forced, integer $Timeout, bool $Gradually)

    void close(boolean Forced);
    void close(boolean Forced, int Timeout);
    void close(boolean Forced, int Timeout, boolean Gradually);


  • Forced - set this parameter to True to close the socket without a TCP "goodbye" phase.
  • Timeout - ...
  • Gradually - ...


    Use this method to close the socket.

See also:     Connect     ShutdownSocket    

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