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TElSRPCredentialStore     See also     

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Adds an item to the list.


    int Add();
    int Add(string Username, string Password, TSBSRPCredentialPrimeLen PrimeLen);

    Function Add() As Integer
    Function Add(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal PrimeLen As TSBSRPCredentialPrimeLen) As Integer

    function Add(const Username, Password : string; PrimeLen : TSBSRPCredentialPrimeLen): integer;
    function Add: Integer;

    int32_t Add();
    int32_t Add(const std::string &Username, const std::string &Password, TSBSRPCredentialPrimeLen PrimeLen);

    integer Add()
    integer Add(string $Username, string $Password, integer $PrimeLen)

    int add(String Username, String Password, TSBSRPCredentialPrimeLen PrimeLen);
    int add();


  • Username - specifies the username.
  • Password - specifies the password.
  • PrimeLen - specifies the length of the safe prime in bits.


Return value

    On success, returns the index of the newly added item in the list. On failure, returns -1.


    Call this method to add new credential to the list.

See also:     Credentials     Clear     Remove    

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