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TElSSHCustomKeyStorage     See also     

Filter: C#  VB.NET  Pascal  C++  PHP  Java  

This method saves public keys from the storage.


    int SavePublic(System.IO.Stream F);
    int SavePublic(string Filename);

    Function SavePublic(ByVal F As System.IO.Stream) As Integer
    Function SavePublic(ByVal Filename As String) As Integer

    function SavePublic(F : TStream) : integer; virtual;
    function SavePublic(const Filename : string) : integer; virtual;

    int32_t SavePublic(TStream &F);
    int32_t SavePublic(TStream *F);
    int32_t SavePublic(const std::string &Filename);

    integer SavePublic(TStream $F)
    integer SavePublic(string $Filename)

    int savePublic(OutputStream arg0);
    int savePublic(TElStream arg0);
    int savePublic(String arg0);


  • F - buffer where public keys should be saved
  • Filename - name of the file where public keys should be saved

Return value

    0 - on success.
    Error code otherwise.


    Use this method to save public keys from storage to the file or memory buffer.

See also:     LoadPublic    

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