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This property specifies key format.


    TSBSSHKeyFormat KeyFormat;

    Property KeyFormat As TSBSSHKeyFormat

    property KeyFormat : TSBSSHKeyFormat;

    TSBSSHKeyFormat get_KeyFormat();
    void set_KeyFormat(TSBSSHKeyFormat Value);

    integer get_KeyFormat()
    void set_KeyFormat(integer $Value)

    TSBSSHKeyFormat getKeyFormat();
    void setKeyFormat(TSBSSHKeyFormat Value);



    This property specifies key format.
    Public keys and private keys can be saved in different sets of formats.
    Public keys can be saved and loaded in SSH1, OpenSSH, kfIETF/kfPutty (the same format for public keys).
    Private keys can be saved and loaded in SSH1, OpenSSH, Binary, Putty, IETF (Putty and IETF use different formats here) formats.
    X.509 and OpenPGP constants are used to denote that the key has been imported from the corresponding source, but the SSH key can't be saved in those "formats".

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