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This event is fired when SRP database entry is requested.


    event TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent OnGetSrpDb;
    delegate void TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent(Object Sender, string UserName, ref byte[] N, ref byte[] G, ref byte[] S, ref byte[] V);

    Event OnGetSrpDb As TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent
    Delegate Sub TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal UserName As String, ByRef N As Byte(), ByRef G As Byte(), ByRef S As Byte(), ByRef V As Byte())

    property OnGetSrpDb : TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent;
    TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent = function(Sender: TObject; const UserName: string; var N, G, S, V: ByteArray): boolean of object;

    void get_OnGetSrpDb(TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnGetSrpDb(TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, const char * pcUserName, int32_t szUserName, uint8_t pN[], int32_t &szN, uint8_t pG[], int32_t &szG, uint8_t pS[], int32_t &szS, uint8_t pV[], int32_t &szV);

    TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent|callable|NULL get_OnGetSrpDb()
    void set_OnGetSrpDb(TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent(TObject $Sender, string $UserName, string &$N, string &$G, string &$S, string &$V)

    TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent getOnGetSrpDb();
    void setOnGetSrpDb(TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent Value);
    TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent.Callback OnGetSrpDb = new TSBServerSrpDbNeededEvent.Callback() {
        public boolean TSBServerSrpDbNeededEventCallback(TObject Sender, String UserName, byte[] N, byte[] G, byte[] S, byte[] V) {


  • UserName - user name.
  • N - SRP group's prime.
  • G - SRP group's generator modulo.
  • S - SRP salt.
  • V - SRP password verifier.
  • pcUserName - user name.
  • szUserName - the length of pcUserName.
  • pN - SRP group's prime.
  • szN - the length of pcN.
  • pG - SRP group's generator modulo.
  • szG - the length of pcG.
  • pS - SRP salt.
  • szS - the length of pcS.
  • pV - SRP password verifier.
  • szV - the length of pcV.

Return value

This event should return true if the database entry was successfully retrieved.


This event is fired by the component when a SRP database entry corresponding to the specified user name is needed. The handler shall provide the requested data via the corresponding parameters, and return true on success.

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