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Copies the data object.
- Condition - condition under which the object will be copied.
- DateTime - object's modification date and time.
- DestCondition - destination object access condition.
- DestContainerName - name of the container where the object should be copied to.
- DestDateTime - destination object modification date and time.
- DestETag - destination object entity tag.
- DestName - a unique identifier of the destination object.
- DestSharedAccessSignature - contains the Shared Access Signature (SAS) to access the destination.
- ETag - object's entity tag.
- Headers -
- Metadata - contains metadata of the object.
- NewHandler - security handler used to perform the operation.
- Obj - object to be copied.
- PreserveMetadata - specifies whether to preserve object's metadata.
- SharedAccessSignature - contains the Shared Access Signature (SAS) to access the object.
- SourceContainerName - name of the container containing the object to be copied.
- SourceName - a unique identifier of the object to be copied.
- LeaseID - ...
- Wait - ...
Return value
Instance of
TElCustomDataStorageObject class which contains a copy of object.
Use this method to copy objects from one data container into another.
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