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TElXMLSOAPParametersManager     See also     

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The namespace URIs of the params in the list.


    string ParamNamespaceURIs[int Index];

    Property ParamNamespaceURIs(ByVal Index As Integer) As String

    property ParamNamespaceURIs[Index : Integer] : XMLString;

    void get_ParamNamespaceURIs(int32_t Index, sb_u16string &OutResult);
    void get_ParamNamespaceURIs(int32_t Index, std::wstring &OutResult);

    string get_ParamNamespaceURIs(integer $Index)

    String getParamNamespaceURIs(int Index);


  • Index - the index of the desired item in the list, starting from 0.


This property contains the namespace URI of each parameter handled by this manager.

See also:     ParamNames     ParamClasses    

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