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Clouds: Register application on OneDrive service
In order to get access to OneDrive cloud from your application, it is required to register a new application
on Application Registration Portal on Microsoft site first.
If you already have an application registered according to the steps below, you can use its credentials.
Please follow the steps below to get your application registered:
- Click "Add an app" button in "My applications" section.
- Next, enter your app name, then click "Create application" button.
- On the next page, in "Platforms" section you need to add at least one platform. To do this, click "Add Platform" button and then:
- If you plan to use an external browser for authentication, choose "Web" option. Then in "Web" sub-section, "Redirect URIs" field must be filled with the URL for redirection during authentication (for example, http://localhost:2180/).
This is the URL, where your application will wait for the authorization code.
- If you plan to use an embedded browser for user authentication, choose "Mobile application" option.
- If you have added "Web" platform, you need also to create at least one application secret. To do this, in "Application Secrets" section click "Generate New Password" button.
Important! Copy the generated secret from the appeared window to a safe place. This value is required for future use in your application.
- In "Advanced Options" section, set the checkbox "Live SDK support".
- Save the application settings by clicking "Save" button in the bottom-left corner of the page.
- In "Properties" section, copy "Application Id" value. This value is required for future use in your application.
How To articles about OneDrive cloud
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