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HTTPS: Request a part of the resource
With GET request (and, if the server supports, with PUT, POST or custom requests) you usually can request a part of the resource.
TElHTTPSClient has RequestParameters property, which references an instance of TElHTTPRequestParams class. TElHTTPRequestParams class includes ContentRangeStart and ContentRangeEnd properties where you can specify the beginning and the end of the needed data block. When sending the data you need to also specify the full size of the data using ContentRangeFullSize property.
TElHTTPSClient c = new TElHTTPSClient();
c.RequestParameters.ContentRangeStart = 100;
c.RequestParameters.ContentRangeEnd = 200;
c.Get("http://remote.url/file.dat"); // download 100 bytes starting from the 100th byte
client : TElHTTPSClient;
client := TElHTTPSClient.Create(nil);
client.RequestParameters.ContentRangeStart := 100;
client.RequestParameters.ContentRangeEnd := 200;
client.Get('http://remote.url/file.dat'); // download 100 bytes starting from the 100th byte