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Sign the OpenPGP key
To sign the OpenPGP key you should generate the signature by calling one of the TElPGPCustomSecretKey methods: Sign() or DirectSign(), and pass the newly created signature (Signature parameter of the method) to the TElPGPCustomPublicKey.AddSignature() method of the corresponding public key.
To produce different types of signatures, you should call Sign() or DirectSign() methods with the appropriate parameter sets.
To produce a direct key signature, call DirectSign() method and pass the key to be signed.
To generate user certification signature, call Sign() with the following 4 parameters:
To produce a subkey/primary key binding signature, call Sign() method with the following parameters:
To generate a timestamp signature, call Sign() method with only two parameters: Timestamp and Signature (the timestamp signature will be put here).
To make a third-party certification of the signature, call Sign() method and pass two parameters: SubjectSignature (a signature to be signed) and Signature (the newly generated signature will be put here).