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Check CAdES signature profile level

Different scenarios may impose different requirements on signature compliance to particular CAdES profiles: CAdES-BES, CAdES-T, baseline profiles, etc. In SecureBlackbox, TElCAdESSignatureProcessor class can be used to establish whether a signature corresponds to a particular profile.

  1. Load your CMS message into TElSignedCMSMessage object.
  2. Find the required signature in the list and load it into a TElCMSSignature object.
  3. Create a TElCAdESSignatureProcessor object passing your signature to the constructor: TElCAdESSignatureProcessor processor = new TElCAdESSignatureProcessor(sig);
  4. Call one of IsXXX() methods of the processor to perform the actual check:
    bool isBes = processor.IsBES();
    bool isT = processor.IsT();
    bool isBaselineLTA = processor.IsBaselineLTA();
  5. If the call returns false, i.e., the signature is not compliant to the chosen profile, you can check the processor's CompatibilityErrors property to find out why.

How To articles about CAdES

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