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Create response to the SP manually
First, create an instance of TElSAMLResponseElement. Second, fill in the following properties: ID, IssueInstant, and Issuer. ID should be assigned to a random string value, IssueInstant is the time of the request creation, and Issuer should specify the issuer of the request. Finally, assign a TElSAMLStatusElement object to the Response's Status property.
TElSAMLResponseElement.SaveToXML() method can be used to save the request and append it to an existing TElXMLDOMDocument object.
TElSAMLResponseElement resp = new TElSAMLResponseElement();
resp.ID = SBRandom.Unit.SBRndString(20);
resp.IssueInstant = DateTime.UtcNow;
resp.InResponseTo = SBRandom.Unit.SBRndString(20); // request ID
resp.Issuer = new TElSAMLIssuerElement();
resp.Issuer.Value = "http://myidp.com";
resp.Status = new TElSAMLStatusElement();
resp.Status.StatusCode = new TElSAMLStatusCodeElement();
resp.Status.StatusCode.Value = SBXMLSAMLProtocol.Unit.xmlSAMLStatusSuccess;