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Handle SSL errors

SSL errors are reported in asynchronous classes via OnError event (in some SSL-enabled classes named OnSSLError). The error informs the application about the error code, fatality of the error (not all errors are fatal), and the source of the error (was the error caused by the local or remote side of the communication).

Some SSL-enabled classes are synchronous or provide built-in socket support (TElSimpleSSLClient, TElHTTPSClient, TElSimpleFTPSClient, TElSMTPClient are examples of such classes). In this case the classes can also face other errors. Those errors are reported using exceptions. So if you call the methods of those classes, you need to handle both OnError event as described above, and also wrap the calls with appropriate exception handling statements (try/catch in C++ and C#, try/except in Delphi etc.).

How To articles about common SSL/TLS questions

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