CEMRequest Event

Fired when a Certificate Exchange Messaging (CEM) request is received.


public event OnCEMRequestHandler OnCEMRequest;

public delegate void OnCEMRequestHandler(object sender, As2receiverCEMRequestEventArgs e);

public class As2receiverCEMRequestEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public string RequestId { get; }
  public string As2From { get; }
Public Event OnCEMRequest As OnCEMRequestHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnCEMRequestHandler(sender As Object, e As As2receiverCEMRequestEventArgs)

Public Class As2receiverCEMRequestEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestId As String
  Public ReadOnly Property As2From As String
End Class


This event fires when a Certificate Exchange Messaging (CEM) request is received.

RequestId is the CEM request Id. This must be saved and will be used when sending the CEM response.

As2From identifies the sender of the CEM request.

If CEMCertDir is set the received certificates will be written to the specified location. If CEMCertDir is not set the certificates will be held in memory and may be accessed by inspecting CEMDetails.

The CEM request also populates RespondByDate and ResponseURL. RespondByDate specifies the date by which the sender expects a response. ResponseURL specifies the URL to which the CEM response should be sent.

When this event fires the following CEMDetails fields are applicable:

To send a CEM response save the CEMDetails values and call SendCEMResponse with the AS2Sender component.

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IPWorks EDI 2020 .NET Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8203]