EBReceipt Type

The receipt.


This type contains fields that comprise the receipt.



The content of the receipt. This is the raw XML of the receipt.

The component will automatically create the receipt, and verify the receipt, depending on the method called. In most cases this is simply informational and may be stored for logging purposes if desired.


The Message Id to which this receipt applies. This is the original Message Id from the initial transmission of the file. This allows the receipt to be correlated with the original transmission.

The component will automatically create the receipt, and verify the receipt, depending on the method called. In most cases this is simply informational and may be stored for logging purposes if desired.


public EBReceipt();
Public EBReceipt()
public EBReceipt(string refToMessageId, string content);
Public EBReceipt(ByVal RefToMessageId As String, ByVal Content As String)

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IPWorks EDI 2020 .NET Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8203]