SignerCertInfo Event
Fired during verification of the signed message.
public event OnSignerCertInfoHandler OnSignerCertInfo; public delegate void OnSignerCertInfoHandler(object sender, As3receiverSignerCertInfoEventArgs e); public class As3receiverSignerCertInfoEventArgs : EventArgs { public string Issuer { get; } public string SerialNumber { get; } public string SubjectKeyIdentifier { get; } public string CertEncoded { get; }
public byte[] CertEncodedB { get; } }
Public Event OnSignerCertInfo As OnSignerCertInfoHandler Public Delegate Sub OnSignerCertInfoHandler(sender As Object, e As As3receiverSignerCertInfoEventArgs) Public Class As3receiverSignerCertInfoEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Public ReadOnly Property Issuer As String Public ReadOnly Property SerialNumber As String Public ReadOnly Property SubjectKeyIdentifier As String Public ReadOnly Property CertEncoded As String
Public ReadOnly Property CertEncodedB As Byte() End Class
During verification, this event will be raised while parsing the signer's certificate information. The parameters which are populated depends on the options used when the message was originally signed. This information may be used to select the correct certificate for SignerCert in order to verify the signature. The following parameters may be populated.
Issuer specifies the subject of the issuer of the certificate used to sign the message.
SerialNumber is the serial number of the certificate used to sign the message.
SubjectKeyIdentifier is the X.509 subjectKeyIdentifier extension value of the certificate used to sign the message encoded as a hex string.
CertEncoded is the PEM (base64 encoded) public certificate needed to verify the signature. Note: when this value is present the component will automatically use this value to perform signature verification.
The SignerCert property may be set from within this event. In this manner the decision of which signer certificate to load may be delayed until the parameters of this event are inspected and the correct certificate can be located and loaded.