Segment Event
Fires whenever a data segment in a transaction set is read.
public event OnSegmentHandler OnSegment; public delegate void OnSegmentHandler(object sender, Hl7readerSegmentEventArgs e); public class Hl7readerSegmentEventArgs : EventArgs { public string Tag { get; } public string Name { get; } public string LoopName { get; } public string FullSegment { get; } }
Public Event OnSegment As OnSegmentHandler Public Delegate Sub OnSegmentHandler(sender As Object, e As Hl7readerSegmentEventArgs) Public Class Hl7readerSegmentEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Public ReadOnly Property Tag As String Public ReadOnly Property Name As String Public ReadOnly Property LoopName As String Public ReadOnly Property FullSegment As String End Class
The Segment event will fire when a data segment is read. The Tag parameter contains the tag of the segment. Name contains the name of the segment as defined in the associated transaction set schema. LoopName contains the name of the loop or group this segment is present in (such as N1Loop1).