Attachments Property

A collection of files attached to the current RNIF message.


public RNIFAttachmentList Attachments { get; }
Public Property Attachments As RNIFAttachmentList


Some RosettaNet PIPs, and potentially any non-RosettaNet standards, allow for extra files or data to be attached to the RosettaNet business document. Since the RosettaNet document is MIME-encoded, there are no specific limitations on the number of attachments. The message attachments are included in the payload container with the ServiceContent, so if EncryptionType is set to any non-zero value (i.e., etEncryptPayloadContainer or etEncryptServiceContent) the attachments will be encrypted as well.

The message attachments are described by the RNIFAttachment objects stored within the Attachments property.

This property is a field of the service header.

This property is not available at design time.

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IPWorks EDI 2020 .NET Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8203]