ReadyToSend Event
Fired when the component is ready to send data.
public event OnReadyToSendHandler OnReadyToSend; public delegate void OnReadyToSendHandler(object sender, OftpserverReadyToSendEventArgs e); public class OftpserverReadyToSendEventArgs : EventArgs { public string ConnectionId { get; } }
Public Event OnReadyToSend As OnReadyToSendHandler Public Delegate Sub OnReadyToSendHandler(sender As Object, e As OftpserverReadyToSendEventArgs) Public Class OftpserverReadyToSendEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionId As String End Class
The ReadyToSend event indicates that the connected client is in a state where it can accept files sent from the server. When a client connects initially it will not be ready to receive files. After the client sends files (if any) to the server it will pass control to the server. At that time the ReadyToSend event will fire. In addition the ReadyToSend field will be set to true for the connection.
After this event fires SendFile can be called to send files to the connected client.