GetSSHParam Method

Used to read a field from an SSH packet's payload.


public string GetSSHParam(byte[] payload, string field);
Public Function GetSSHParam(ByVal Payload As String, ByVal Field As String) As String


This method is used to read the value of a particular field from an SSH packet's payload. Payload should contain the full payload of a packet received by an event such as SSHChannelRequest. Field is the name of a field to be read out of the packet.

The following is a list of the names of well-known channel request field names and their encodings:

ChannelId (int32)The id of the channel that received the packet.
RequestType (string)The type of channel request.
WantsReply (boolean)Whether or not the client wants a reply to the request.

The remaining fields that are available in the payload are dependent upon the value of RequestType.


Pty-req is a request to open a pseudo terminal on the specified channel. The following fields are available:

TerminalType (string)The type of terminal being requested (eg: "vt100").
TerminalWidthCharacters (int32)The width, in characters, of the terminal to be opened.
TerminalHeightRows (int32)The height, in rows, of the terminal to be opened.
TerminalWidthPixels (int32)The width, in pixels, of the terminal to be opened.
TerminalHeightPixels (int32)The height, in pixels, of the terminal to be opened.
TerminalModes (string)A list of op-val (int32-byte) encoded modes to be used by the terminal.


X11-req is a request to forward x11 sessions over a channel. The following fields are available:

SingleConnection (boolean)Disallows more than one connection to be forwarded by the channel.
X11AuthProtocol (string)The authentication protocol to be used (eg: "MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1").
X11AuthCookie (string)A hexadecimal-encoded cookie to be used for authentication.
X11ScreenNumber (int32)The x11 screen number to be used.


Env is a request to set an environment variable to be passed into a shell that may be started later. The following fields are available:

VariableName (string)The name of the variable to be set.
VariableValue (string)The value of the variable to be set.


Exec is a request to execute a command on the channel using the authenticated user's shell. The following field is available:

Command (string)The command to be executed.


Subsystem is a request to start a subsystem on the specified channel. The following field is available:

Subsystem (string)The name of the subsystem to be started (eg: "sftp").


Instructs the server to allow or disallow control-S/control-Q style flow control. The following field is available:

ClientCanDo (boolean)Whether or not the server should enable flow control.


Sends a signal to the remote process/service. The following field is available:

SignalName (string)The name of the signal to be sent.

If the packet type is not well known, Field should start with the special character "%" and contain a comma-separated list of field types as defined in SetSSHParam. For example, reading out the X11AuthProtocol of an x11-req payload, you can use "%s,f".

Note: the return value is a string encoded the same way as the FieldValue param in SetSSHParam.

Note: This method is only applicable for reading and creating SSH packets for use within the SSHCustomAuth event.

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