CEMResponse Event
Fired when a Certificate Exchange Messaging (CEM) response is received.
public event OnCEMResponseHandler OnCEMResponse; public delegate void OnCEMResponseHandler(object sender, As2receiverCEMResponseEventArgs e); public class As2receiverCEMResponseEventArgs : EventArgs { public string RequestId { get; } public string As2From { get; } }
Public Event OnCEMResponse As OnCEMResponseHandler Public Delegate Sub OnCEMResponseHandler(sender As Object, e As As2receiverCEMResponseEventArgs) Public Class As2receiverCEMResponseEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Public ReadOnly Property RequestId As String Public ReadOnly Property As2From As String End Class
This event fires when a Certificate Exchange Messaging (CEM) response is received.
RequestId is the CEM request Id. Match this to the request Id from the original request.
As2From identifies the sender of the CEM request.
When this event fires the CEMDetails property will be populated. Inspect the Accepted field to determine whether each CEM request was accepted. If the request was rejected, check RejectionReason for details.
When this event fires the following CEMDetails fields are applicable: