KeyList Event
Lists the keysets in a CSP (see the ListKeys method).
public event OnKeyListHandler OnKeyList; public delegate void OnKeyListHandler(object sender, CertmgrKeyListEventArgs e); public class CertmgrKeyListEventArgs : EventArgs { public string KeyContainer { get; } public int KeyType { get; } public string AlgId { get; } public int KeyLen { get; } }
Public Event OnKeyList As OnKeyListHandler Public Delegate Sub OnKeyListHandler(sender As Object, e As CertmgrKeyListEventArgs) Public Class CertmgrKeyListEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Public ReadOnly Property KeyContainer As String Public ReadOnly Property KeyType As Integer Public ReadOnly Property AlgId As String Public ReadOnly Property KeyLen As Integer End Class
The KeyContainer parameter is the name used to identify the keyset (public/private key pair) when it was first created.
KeyType shows the key type: 1 for key exchange (encryption) keys, and 2 for digital signature keys.
KeyLen shows the length of the public key (in bits).