EndResponse Event

Fired every time an end response is received from the client.


public event OnEndResponseHandler OnEndResponse;

public delegate void OnEndResponseHandler(object sender, OftpserverEndResponseEventArgs e);

public class OftpserverEndResponseEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public string ConnectionId { get; }
  public string VirtualFileName { get; }
  public string VirtualFileDate { get; }
  public string Destination { get; }
  public string Originator { get; }
  public string Creator { get; }
  public int ReasonCode { get; }
  public string ReasonText { get; }
  public string FileHash { get; set; }
  public string Signature { get; }
  public int Direction { get; }
Public Event OnEndResponse As OnEndResponseHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnEndResponseHandler(sender As Object, e As OftpserverEndResponseEventArgs)

Public Class OftpserverEndResponseEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionId As String
  Public ReadOnly Property VirtualFileName As String
  Public ReadOnly Property VirtualFileDate As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Destination As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Originator As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Creator As String
  Public ReadOnly Property ReasonCode As Integer
  Public ReadOnly Property ReasonText As String
  Public Property FileHash As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Signature As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Direction As Integer
End Class


This event contains information received from an either an End-To-End Response or a Negative End Response received from the server.

An End-To-End Response will not contain values for the ReasonCode, ReasonText, or Creator parameters.

VirtualFileName specifies the name of the file.

VirtualFileDate holds the VirtualFileDate value in the format specified by VirtualFileDateFormat. The default value is "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss".

Destination is the SFID of the destination system (this component).

Originator identifies the system that originated the end response. This is typically the same as Creator and holds the remote system's SFID.

Creator is the SFID of the remote system.

Direction specifies whether the end response is being received or sent. Possible values are:


By default the component will only fire this event for received end responses. To configure the component to fire the event for both send and received end responses set FireEndResponseOnSend to True.

FileHash is populated if the OFTP Version is 2.0 and a signed receipt was originally requested. FileHash may also be specified with the expected value in the case where an asynchronous EndResponse is received. The expected value may be obtained from the EndTransfer event when initially sending the file.

Signature is only applicable when the OFTP version is 2.0 and the application is acting as a routing application where the end response will be forwarded on to another entity. In this case Signature will be populated if the end response is signed. This should be stored and supplied when forwarding the response with the SendEndResponse method.

ReasonCode and ReasonText identify the error if a Negative End Response (NERP) was received. A value of 0 indicates there was no an error and the response is an End-To-End Response (EERP). Common values are:

ReasonCode ReasonText
3 User Code Not Known
4 Invalid Password
9 Unspecified Reason
11 Invalid FileName
12 Invalid Destination
13 Invalid Origin
14 Invalid Storage Record Format
15 Maximum Record Length Not Supported
16 File Size Too Big
20 Invalid Record Count
21 Invalid Byte Count
22 Access Method Failure
23 Duplicate File
24 File Direction Refused
25 Cipher Suite Not Supported
26 Encrypted File Not Allowed
27 Unencrypted File Not Allowed
28 Compression Not Allowed
29 Signed File Not Allowed
30 Unsigned File Not Allowed
31 File Signature Not Valid
32 File Decompression Failed
33 File Decryption Failed
34 File Processing Failed
35 Not Delivered To Recipient
36 Not Acknowledged By Recipient
50 Transmission Stopped By The Operator
90 File Size Incompatible With Recipient's Protocol Version
99 Unspecified Reason

ConnectionId identifies the connected client.

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IPWorks EDI 2020 .NET Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8203]