Send Method
Send HL7 data to the MLLP client associated with the specified connection Id.
The Send method sends data for the connection specified by ConnectionId to the associated MLLP client.
Before calling this method, specify the data to send by doing one of the following (the component will use the data from the first valid location):
- Set the InputStream field to a stream with HL7 data.
- Set the InputFilename field to the path of a file with HL7 data.
- Set the HL7 data directly to the InputData field.
ConnectionId is the connected client to which the server should Send.
Once the client has received the data, it will respond with an acknowledgement, causing the component's AckIn event to fire.
Sending Data Example
mllpServer.Connections[connectionId].InputData = "HL7Data"; mllpServer.Send(connectionId);