Profile Property

The AS4 profile.


public As4clientProfiles Profile { get; set; }

enum As4clientProfiles { ebpfStandard, ebpfENTSOG, ebpfESENS }
Public Property Profile As As4clientProfiles

Enum As4clientProfiles ebpfStandard ebpfENTSOG ebpfESENS End Enum

Default Value



This property specifies the AS4 profile to use. Different profiles may have different requirements and default options. Setting this property to the correct value ensures that the right options are selected in order to conform to the profile. Possible values are:

0 (ebfStandard - default) The AS4 Profile of ebMS 3.0 Version 1.0 OASIS Standard
1 (ebfENTSOG) The ENTSOG AS4 Profile
2 (ebfESENS) The e-SENS AS4 Profile

When Profile is set to ebpfENTSOG the following settings are automatically applied:

Property Value
CompressionFormat ebcfGZIP
EncryptionAlgorithm "AES128GCM"
ConversationId Remains empty
SignatureAlgorithm "SHA256"
OAEPRSAHashAlgorithm "SHA256"
OAEPMGF1HashAlgorithm "SHA256"

When Profile is set to ebpfESENS the following settings are automatically applied:

Property Value
CompressionFormat ebcfGZIP
EncryptionAlgorithm "AES128GCM"
RequireEncryption True
RequireSignature True
SignatureAlgorithm "SHA256"
OAEPRSAHashAlgorithm "SHA256"
OAEPMGF1HashAlgorithm "SHA256"
EncryptionSecurityTokenFormat 1 (Binary)
SigningSecurityTokenFormat 1 (Binary)

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IPWorks EDI 2020 .NET Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8203]