S3 Adapter
Properties Configuration Settings
The S3 Adapter provides access to Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3).
The S3 Adapter allows you to access Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) securely over an SSL connection. S3 allows you to store arbitrary data in buckets on Amazon's server and access them from anywhere using an Internet connection. Please refer to Amazon S3 documentation> for additional details.
You will first need to sign up for the S3 service and obtain the AccessKey and SecretKey from Amazon. Once you have a valid AccessKey and SecretKey, you may begin uploading/downloading files to and from your buckets.
S3 Receive Adapter
The S3 Receive Adapter will download objects specified by the ObjectMask property contained within the Bucket. The AccessKey and SecretKey properties must be set in order to authenticate with the Amazon server. If you wish to enable SSL, you can turn it on by setting the UseSSL property to true and setting an appropriate SSLCert and SSLAcceptServerCert.
S3 Send Adapter
The S3 Send Adapter requires a Bucket and a ObjectKey to specify the location to upload to. The AccessKey and SecretKey properties must be set in order to authenticate with the Amazon server. If you wish to enable SSL, you can turn it on by setting the UseSSL property to true and setting an appropriate SSLCert and SSLAcceptServerCert.
Please refer to the section on adapter configuration for a description of how to configure receive locations and send ports for this adapter.
Receiver Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the receiver adapter with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
AccessKey | The Access Key Id for the Amazon Web Services account. |
Bucket | The name of the current bucket. |
DeleteMode | Controls if and when the remote object is deleted after download. |
EncryptionPassword | The password to use when encrypting the object. |
ErrorThreshold | The maximum number of errors before the adapter shuts down. |
Firewall | A set of properties related to firewall access. |
HTTPProxy | A set of properties related to proxy access. |
MaxBatchSize | The maximum size, in MB, of the current batch (0 indicates no limit). |
MaxFileCount | The maximum number of files in the current batch (0 indicates no limit). |
MaxFileSize | The maximum size, in MB, of a file in the current batch (0 indicates no limit). |
MaxThreads | The maximum number of threads that the adapter may consume. |
ObjectMask | Indicates the type of files to download from the S3 server. |
Other | Defines a set of configuration settings to be used by the adapter. |
PollingInterval | The amount of time, in seconds, between download attempts. |
ReceivedObjectDate | The date of the remote object received by the S3 adapter. |
ReceivedObjectName | The name of the remote object received by the S3 adapter. |
ReceivedObjectSize | The size of the remote object received by the S3 adapter. |
RequeueEndpoints | Whether to requeue receive endpoints if the polling interval has not been reached. |
RuntimeLicense | Specifies the adapter runtime license key. |
SecretKey | The Secret Access Key for the Amazon Web Services account. |
SSLAcceptServerCert | Instructs the adapter to unconditionally accept the server certificate that matches the supplied certificate. |
SSLCert | The certificate to use for client authentication during the SSL handshake. |
TempPath | A temporary directory where data can be stored before the adapter processes it. |
Timeout | A timeout for the adapter. |
TransportLog | Tells the adapter where and how to report information about its operations. |
URI | The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the send port or receive location. |
UseSSL | Use SSL to access Amazon S3. |
UseVirtualHosting | Determines which style request to use. |
Sender Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the sender adapter with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
AccessKey | The Access Key Id for the Amazon Web Services account. |
AccessPolicy | The AccessPolicy are used to set permissions when an object is updated. |
Bucket | The name of the current bucket. |
ContentDisposition | Content disposition for the object. |
ContentType | Content type for the object. |
EncryptionPassword | The password to use when encrypting the object. |
Firewall | A set of properties related to firewall access. |
HTTPProxy | A set of properties related to proxy access. |
MaxPersistentConnections | The maximum number of simultaneous persistent connections when sending. |
MaxThreads | The maximum number of threads that the adapter may consume. |
MaxTransmissionBatchSize | The maximum number of messages that can be sent in a single batch. |
ObjectKey | This is the name of file being uploaded to the server. |
Other | Defines a set of configuration settings to be used by the adapter. |
RuntimeLicense | Specifies the adapter runtime license key. |
SecretKey | The Secret Access Key for the Amazon Web Services account. |
SSLAcceptServerCert | Instructs the adapter to unconditionally accept the server certificate that matches the supplied certificate. |
SSLCert | The certificate to use for client authentication during the SSL handshake. |
Timeout | A timeout for the adapter. |
TransmitBatchMode | How the transmitter processes batches. |
TransportLog | Tells the adapter where and how to report information about its operations. |
URI | The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the send port or receive location. |
UseSSL | Use SSL to access Amazon S3. |
UseVirtualHosting | Determines which style request to use. |
Configuration Settings
The following is a list of configuration settings for the adapter with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
DeleteOnSuspend | Specifies whether files may be deleted from server when message is suspended. |
IgnoreBucketRestrictions | Allows the user to ignore Amazon-defined bucket name restrictions. |
ObjectDelimiter | A delimiter that can be used to roll up a bunch of keys. |
ObjectMarker | A marker for the object(s). |
ObjectPrefix | A prefix for the object(s). |
MaxObjects | The maximum number of objects for the server to return. |
StorageClass | Specify the storage class to be used for the uploaded object. |
URL | If set, the default URL will be overridden by this value. |
UseServerSideEncryption | If true, use server side encryption. |
SSLEnabledProtocols | Used to enable/disable the supported security protocols. |
AbsoluteTimeout | Determines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts. |
LocalHost | The name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted. |
TcpNoDelay | Whether or not to delay when sending packets. |
UseManagedSecurityAPI | Tells the adapter whether or not to use the system security libraries or a managed implementation. |