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TElX509CertificateValidator     See also     

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This event is fired when there is a CRL error.


    event TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent OnCRLError;
    delegate void TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent(Object Sender, TElX509Certificate Certificate, string Location, TElCustomCRLRetriever Retriever, int ErrorCode);

    Event OnCRLError As TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent
    Delegate Sub TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Certificate As TElX509Certificate, ByVal Location As String, ByVal Retriever As TElCustomCRLRetriever, ByVal ErrorCode As Integer)

    property OnCRLError : TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent;
    TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Certificate : TElX509Certificate; const Location : string; Retriever : TElCustomCRLRetriever; ErrorCode : integer) of object;

    void get_OnCRLError(TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnCRLError(TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, TElX509CertificateHandle Certificate, const char * pcLocation, int32_t szLocation, TElCustomCRLRetrieverHandle Retriever, int32_t ErrorCode);

    TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent|callable|NULL get_OnCRLError()
    void set_OnCRLError(TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent(TObject $Sender, TElX509Certificate $Certificate, string $Location, TElCustomCRLRetriever $Retriever, integer $ErrorCode)

    TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent getOnCRLError();
    void setOnCRLError(TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent Value);
    TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent.Callback OnCRLError = new TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEvent.Callback() {
        public void TSBCertificateValidatorCRLErrorEventCallback(TObject Sender, TElX509Certificate Certificate, String Location, TElCustomCRLRetriever Retriever, int ErrorCode) {


  • Certificate - Specifies the certificate that is being validated.
  • Location - Location of the CRL.
  • Retriever - An instance of TElCustomCRLRetriever class or its descendant.
  • ErrorCode - The error code.
  • pcLocation - Location of the CRL.
  • szLocation - the length of pcLocation.


    This event is fired when an error occurs during retrieving or processing CRL information.

See also:     CheckCRL     OnCRLNeeded     OnCRLRetrieved     OnOCSPError    

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