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TElX509CertificateValidator     See also     

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This event is fired before CRL retriever is used.


    event TSBCRLRetrievedEvent OnCRLRetrieved;
    delegate void TSBCRLRetrievedEvent(Object Sender, TElX509Certificate Certificate, TElX509Certificate CACertificate, TSBGeneralName NameType, string Location, TElCertificateRevocationList CRL);

    Event OnCRLRetrieved As TSBCRLRetrievedEvent
    Delegate Sub TSBCRLRetrievedEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Certificate As TElX509Certificate, ByVal CACertificate As TElX509Certificate, ByVal NameType As TSBGeneralName, ByVal Location As String, ByVal CRL As TElCertificateRevocationList)

    property OnCRLRetrieved : TSBCRLRetrievedEvent;
    TSBCRLRetrievedEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Certificate, CACertificate : TElX509Certificate; NameType : TSBGeneralName; const Location : string; CRL : TElCertificateRevocationList) of object;

    void get_OnCRLRetrieved(TSBCRLRetrievedEvent &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnCRLRetrieved(TSBCRLRetrievedEvent pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TSBCRLRetrievedEvent)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, TElX509CertificateHandle Certificate, TElX509CertificateHandle CACertificate, TSBGeneralNameRaw NameType, const char * pcLocation, int32_t szLocation, TElCertificateRevocationListHandle CRL);

    TSBCRLRetrievedEvent|callable|NULL get_OnCRLRetrieved()
    void set_OnCRLRetrieved(TSBCRLRetrievedEvent|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TSBCRLRetrievedEvent(TObject $Sender, TElX509Certificate $Certificate, TElX509Certificate $CACertificate, integer $NameType, string $Location, TElCertificateRevocationList $CRL)

    TSBCRLRetrievedEvent getOnCRLRetrieved();
    void setOnCRLRetrieved(TSBCRLRetrievedEvent Value);
    TSBCRLRetrievedEvent.Callback OnCRLRetrieved = new TSBCRLRetrievedEvent.Callback() {
        public void TSBCRLRetrievedEventCallback(TObject Sender, TElX509Certificate Certificate, TElX509Certificate CACertificate, TSBGeneralName NameType, String Location, TElCertificateRevocationList CRL) {


  • Certificate - Specifies the certificate that is being validated
  • CACertificate - Specifies the certificate, which signed Certificate.
    Can be nil / null / Nothing, if Certificate is self-signed
  • NameType - specifies type of the name which identifies CRL location. Currently only gnUniformResourceIdentifier is supported
  • Location - Location of the CRL that was retrieved
  • CRL - The CRL which has been retrieved from the CRL location
  • pcLocation - Location of the CRL that was retrieved
  • szLocation - the length of pcLocation.

Possible NameType values:


    This event is fired when the CRL is to be retrieved. If you need, you can adjust the instance of TElCustomCRLRetriever class, which will be used to retrieve the CRL. If there's no instance available (Retriever parameter is nil / null / Nothing), you should create such instance and pass it via Retriever parameter. See description of TElX509CertificateValidator component for additional information about default HTTP CRL retriever.

See also:     CheckCRL     OnCRLError     OnCRLNeeded    

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