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TElPublicKeyCrypto     See also     

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This method verifies detached signature.


    TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult VerifyDetached(byte[] InBuffer, int InIndex, int InSize, byte[] SigBuffer, int SigIndex, int SigSize);
    TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult VerifyDetached(System.IO.Stream InStream, System.IO.Stream SigStream, int InCount, int SigCount);

    Function VerifyDetached(ByVal InBuffer As Byte(), ByVal InIndex As Integer, ByVal InSize As Integer, ByVal SigBuffer As Byte(), ByVal SigIndex As Integer, ByVal SigSize As Integer) As TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult
    Function VerifyDetached(ByVal InStream As System.IO.Stream, ByVal SigStream As System.IO.Stream, ByVal InCount As Integer, ByVal SigCount As Integer) As TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult

    function VerifyDetached(InBuffer: pointer; InSize: integer; SigBuffer: pointer; var SigSize: integer): TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult;
    function VerifyDetached(InStream, SigStream : TStream; InCount : integer = 0; SigCount : integer = 0): TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult;

    TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult VerifyDetached(void * InBuffer, int32_t InSize, void * SigBuffer, int32_t SigSize);
    TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult VerifyDetached(TStream &InStream, TStream &SigStream, int32_t InCount, int32_t SigCount);
    TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult VerifyDetached(TStream *InStream, TStream *SigStream, int32_t InCount, int32_t SigCount);

    integer VerifyDetached(TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $InBuffer, integer $InSize, TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $SigBuffer, integer $SigSize)
    integer VerifyDetached(TStream $InStream, TStream $SigStream, integer $InCount, integer $SigCount)

    TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult verifyDetached(InputStream InStream, InputStream SigStream, int InCount, int SigCount);
    TSBPublicKeyVerificationResult verifyDetached(byte[] InBuffer, int InIndex, int InSize, byte[] SigBuffer, int SigIndex, int SigSize);


  • InBuffer - data buffer to verify
  • InIndex - offset of actual data from the beginning of the array
  • InSize - size of input data in bytes
  • SigBuffer - buffer with signature
  • SigIndex - signature buffer start offset
  • SigSize - size of signature data in bytes
  • InStream - the stream with data to verify.
  • SigStream - the stream with signature data.
  • InCount - the number of bytes to be read from data buffer. If this parameter is zero, the whole stream is processed.
    Default value is 0.
  • SigCount - the number of bytes to be read from signature buffer. If this parameter is zero, the whole stream is processed.
    Default value is 0.

Return value

    Verification result

Possible values:


    Use this method to validate a detached signature. You need both original message and a signature value to be able to perform validation.

See also:     Encrypt     Decrypt     Sign     SignDetached     VerifyDetached    

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